
Professional Learning Communities and Networks

PLC’s & PLN’s

 These are some of my personal online learning communities and networks:

The National Endowment for the Arts:

The National Art Educators Association:

California Art Education Association:

California Alliance for Arts Education:

Teacher Websites such as…

We Are teachers:

Actively Learn:

Instagram: following artists, museums, art movements, and art teachers I admire. And following hashtags, such as #middleschoolartteacher

These are some of what I have learned from working with PLC’s and PLN’s:

  1. Nobody wants to re-invent the wheel, so ask questions!

  2. Working together is way more fun!

  3. My weakness might be someone else’s strength, and vice versa.

  4. Modeling teamwork is good for students to see.

  5. “Many hands make light work.” We can accomplish more, together.

  6. Students receive streamline information when we use a systematic approach.


These are items I’d like to continue learning about:

  1. New California State Standards for Media Arts (released in 2019)

  2. Creating a class culture of Project Based Learning

  3. Digital portfolios and journals

  4. Classroom management strategies